DJ/Co Owner

DJ Ellie


I’m what we call an accidental Dj. I fell into this role in 2023, took the fake it until you make it route and it’s worked out quite well.   I now host the Friday Night Party Mix on Black Sheep Radio every Friday night at 7:30 pm est. My forte is Classic Rock, 80s rock, soft rock, hard rock.. anything Rock, altho I do like to mix it up sometimes to keep my listeners engaged.
I was born & live in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. I’m an 80’s child so I consider myself lucky, we had some of the greatest music in that era.
I live for hockey, my team is the Vancouver Canucks, so if you happen to catch my show when a game is on, you are probably going to hear about it. I’m laid back & I like to laugh a lot. My spirit animal is The Sloth. 

My Favourite Quote

you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


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